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  • Writer's pictureAlison King

Embrace the weirdness of the job search

Almost everything during the job search is unnatural. Don’t beat yourself up if it feels that way.

Think about it—the average person only conducts a job search a handful of times in their life.

Writing your résumé? It’s weird. You don’t write like that normally. You probably don’t even reflect about your accomplishments regularly. You could be a phenomenal writer, but that likely won’t translate into the very weird format of a résumé.

Interviewing? It’s weird. It’s like an audition where it feels like every twitch of a finger can make or break your chances. And once you get the job, you likely never speak that formally to your coworkers again.

Cover letter? It’s weird. When was the last time you wrote a letter of any type?

LinkedIn profile? SO weird. Remember when LinkedIn was practically a barren wasteland? You know you should put something on it, but what?

When things are too weird, complex, or unnatural for me to handle, I pay someone to do it for me (and maybe teach me a bit about it to make it less intimidating in the future).

Don’t be afraid to ask for help. It’s not a sign of weakness—it’s using the resources at your disposal.

And being resourceful? That’s not weird at all.

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